Engaging employees not only affects retention rates but also leads to gains in productivity, innovation and growth in profit.
Factors to consider that inter-relate to drive profit growth are:
1. Empowering employees and offering support to steer them in a clear direction, offering development, ownership of tasks, and becoming accountable will enable them to do their jobs much better.
2. Engaging employees in this way will result in them remaining focused and applying discretionary effort, thus maximising your employee resources.
3. Allow employees to attain customer focus by also allowing them to build relationships with customers. Ensure good systems are in place to meet customer needs. Long term customer retention is invaluable and profitable.
4. Motivated employees affect productivity and innovation which leads to higher retention rates, this in turn leads to greater efficiency and thus lower cost structures. These factors enable competitive pricing that underpins sustainable profit margins.
5. Customer retention leads to referrals and growth in your revenue base and of course further contributions to profit.
Remember, employees are your best asset!!